Rheinberg, 1. March 2020
AUMUND Fördertechnik
Another Large Order from PhosAgro Metachem for AUMUND
PhosAgro has ordered eight Chain Bucket Elevators for its Metachem Plant near St. Petersburg in Russia from AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH. In 2014 AUMUND received its first order from the Russian fertiliser industry from the PhosAgro Metachem Plant. Building on this excellent reference, AUMUND has also supplied equipment to the PhosAgro plants at Cherepovetz and Balakovo […]
Read moreBeijing, 1. January 2019
AUMUND Fördertechnik
First Oil Shale Power Plant in Jordan relies on AUMUND Technology
Jordan is building its first oil shale power station in Attarat, 50 kilometres east of Al Qatranah. As soon as the two 235 MW plant units are commissioned, AUMUND technology will also be in operation here. Working closely with WorleyParsons Beijing and Guangdong Power Engineering Co. Ltd., AUMUND China developed the technical conveying solution for […]
Read moreRheinberg, 1. June 2018
AUMUND Fördertechnik
AUMUND Machines to bring increased productivity to a Cement Plant in Pakistan
Flying Cement, a member of the Lahore-based conglomerate, Flying Group of Industries, is planning to increase its production considerably by building an 8,000 tpd kiln line. AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH won the order for two of the main bucket elevators required to achieve this project, those for the raw meal silo and the heat exchanger, as […]
Read moreRheinberg, 1. June 2018
AUMUND Fördertechnik
AUMUND technology strengthens Turkish cement industry’s competitiveness in the global market
AUMUND Fördertechnik and the Turkish cement industry have been united in a successful business partnership for decades. Now AUMUND has been awarded another two projects, as both the Dinçer Çimento Group, building a new kiln line at its plant in Bilecik near Bursa, north west Turkey, and Aşkale Çimento, also in north west Turkey, count […]
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