Enclosed Stockyards:Highest Performing SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimer for Iron Ore
Gelsenkirchen, 1. March 2020
SCHADE Lagertechnik
Environmental concerns have become the top priority for the largest steel producer in Taiwan, CSC (China Steel Corporation), as it currently completes a project in its Kaohsiung plant, in the planning since 2012, to reduce environmental impact by enclosing stockyards. SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH is going to supply via China Steel Machinery Corporation four SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers with rail spans of over 52 m for enclosed stockyards, and China Dragon Steel, which also belongs to CSC, will take delivery of two further Semi-Portal Reclaimers with rail spans of around 67 m.
Four SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers for China Steel Corporation
Two of the four SCHADE Reclaimers have a reclaim capacity with a peak performance of over 3,000 tph of iron ore, which puts them among the highest performing SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers for applications in iron ore. These Reclaimers are also equipped with special two-way chutes to load two conveyors. The two other Semi-Portal Reclaimers are designed for a reclaim capacity of over 1,200 tph of coal. Delivery of the machines will start in the middle of this year.
Two SCHADE Semi-Portal Reclaimers for China Dragon Steel
China Dragon Steel also operates a steel plant in Taiwan. This CSC Group company ordered two Semi-Portal Reclaimers each with a rail span of almost 67 m and a reclaim capacity of over 1,200 tph coal from SCHADE. Back in 2019 China Dragon Steel had commissioned two Tripper Cars and two Semi-Portal Reclaimers from SCHADE.
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