AUMUND Brazil for strong cooperation
6. August 2024
SCHADE Lagertechnik
With the combined machine at the Zollverein colliery in Essen the world of SCHADE machines for stockyards became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The unique and tailor-made SCHADE technology conquered the world: from Europe to America, to Asia, to Africa, to Australia.
But it was not only the unlimited world tour of the machines; in the years that followed, their size reached unimaginable dimensions and performance parameters: In 1978, the world’s largest bridge scraper with a capacity of 1,150 tonnes per hour conquered the stockyard market. At almost the same time, a portal scraper in South Africa achieved record figures in terms of size and performance. Giants that continue to work decades after their creation and have lost none of their impressive machine power.
Will SCHADE continue on the path of producing these giants? Or is the world tour of the machines the ultimate goal of the SCHADE engineering team? Find out more in our September issue.
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