SCHADE vintage 1953

16. April 2024

SCHADE Lagertechnik

50 tonnes of history in motion

7 September 1951, Westdeutsches Tageblatt: “Steel giant shifts 200 t per hour”

The “salt scraper” developed by SCHADE in Dortmund was making headlines in the early fifties. With its 11 m long slewing boom the Reclaimer was able to dig out stored salt which had become a solid mass due to the damp conditions in the works and convey it for onward transportation onto a Bucket Elevator. The rail mounted Reclaimer had an overall height of more than eight metres and could be designed with a 360° slewing range. In 1951 its capacity was already 200 tph.

The SCHADE Reclaimer did not only make history in salt. In 1953 a factory in Western Europe installed one of the first Slewing Reclaimers of this type used for urea in fertilizer production. It has been well looked after and regularly serviced by the plant operator for more than 70 years. With some modifications to give it a new lease of life the machine is impressively still working as reliably today as ever, and it has never left its owner in the lurch. Three SCHADE employees went on a site visit to the 70 year old, 50 t giant and were very impressed to see this tangible piece of machine history in action.

Will we find more of these enduring witnesses of former times? Will SCHADE open a new chapter in Reclaimer history? Find out more in our May issue of the 145 years of SCHADE.



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